Your Address : Globalchemmade--Cradlechem (JiangSu) Technology Co.Ltd.
Name:Cradlechem (JiangSu) Technology Co.Ltd.
Tel:0086 (519) 85715016
Fax:0086 (519) 85716288
About Us
Cradlechem (JiangSu) Technology Co.Ltd, founded in 1988, as a high-tech enterprise, it is one of the leading suppliers of high-effect pesticides and chemical intermediates including chiral chemicals to the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries in China.
In the area of Agrochemicals, Cradlechem is the first to develop [S.S] fenvalerate (Esfenvalerate), which is optically active pesticides with high-effect and low toxic in China. In 1995, Cradlechem joined force with Nanjing Agricultural University and set up the Pesticide Manufactory of Nanjing Agricultural University (Changzhou) (NPC) , which is a base of optically active pesticides. Up to now, NPC has finished the development of Alphamethrin and Deltamethrin. For this successful R&D, CCTC was awarded the 1st grade prize of the sci..